Subtle, heartrending, beautiful
This flash moved me to tears with it's bittersweet emotion.
Subtle, heartrending, beautiful
This flash moved me to tears with it's bittersweet emotion.
Just because you're in it, right?
God damn it albino you gnostic whore
I enjoyed this yes I did
Salvidor Dali is jacking off to this movie in his grave.
I am also jacking off to this movie in Salvador Dali's grave. It's totally not gay though because we're not touching eachother's dicks.
Skillful impressionism
I have never seen anyone use the line tool in a way such as this. Your movie gives off the aura of a modern Picasso. I look forward to your future movies.
thanks man :9
Quite possibly the worst song I have EVER HEARD
What's it called.
Cha la head cha la
"[I] pride myself on the fact that my work has no socially redeeming value." -John Waters Clock
eBay scammer
Clocktopia Technical College
under a bridge
Joined on 3/7/09