my favorite walk cycle of the month so far
my favorite walk cycle of the month so far
Thanks Flounder! That means a lot!
based on a true story
Indeed! Don't mess with Flounderman!
the thorclock serial masterwork finally comes to a close. or does it??????????????????????????????????
heh heh heh... alll according to plan
10/10 very fresh
floundermanclock is single-handedly propping up the orphan heart market
Flounderman is the real star of this story.
StrawberryRadishCarrotClock is king of the portal he sure is you betchya eternal triplicate supergodking of the damn portal forever and for all time. 5 for movie 10 for sound design 13.5 for the music choice. altogether I score it 28.5 out of fuck you. good shit.
also I loved the little world map sequence.
choose your own adventure (rip)
Hey I have a serious medical condition how dare you make light of it.
beyond the sea
Holy shit those dimensions. This was amazing I really like how this was set up.
I made this specifically so he'd think you made it. As much as my ability allowed, at least! It was cool that you were one of the few reviews on it (ps hello it is six years later)
"[I] pride myself on the fact that my work has no socially redeeming value." -John Waters Clock
eBay scammer
Clocktopia Technical College
under a bridge
Joined on 3/7/09