A tour de force of raspberryian free form peanut poetry and experimental progressive drum work. Vote 5.
A tour de force of raspberryian free form peanut poetry and experimental progressive drum work. Vote 5.
Thou art a beacon of kindness and generosity, and I shall cherish thy words like precious jewels for all time to come.
A flower sprouts from manure like a Clock Day out of April.
this is just ripe for all sorts of interpretations
I almost forgot it was Clock Day too. Happens every year.
You'd think we'd know by now it's every April 1st but I always tend to think of Edible Book Day first.
Yeah that's retail for ya. I never saw the point in helmets so now I have a degenerative spine disorder after a crate of canned goose fell on me.
Yup! A crate of canned goose will do that to ya. Working retail is hardcore like that.
DON'T TOUCH IT. Just five at it.
Thank you!!
Ahahaha that was some good shit
appreciate it
This one made me smile ear to ear! 5'd and fav'd.
Thank you Flounderman. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
SteakClock guitar solo is everything I want in life
I hope he tours next year
he has a website! meatspin(dot)com, where you can keep up to date with meat and steak related artistic endeavours
A visual treat as always!
being strawbduca is suffering
As I pray never to forget
being meclocka is suffering
"[I] pride myself on the fact that my work has no socially redeeming value." -John Waters Clock
eBay scammer
Clocktopia Technical College
under a bridge
Joined on 3/7/09